Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Little Birdie!

OK - so I'm getting ready for the big hunting opener two Friday's ago and my van starts acting my vans' always do - STUPID! $300 later, I'm not sure it's really fixed....we'll find out after I take a trip up north for Thanksgiving and hunting! (did that - not really fixed) Any hoo, I decided to load up the hubby's work car and head out....not sure, mind you, that all mine and Hailey's stuff is going to fit in that thing.....I opened the door, turned my back and Hailey tells me there's a bird in the car! WHAT! Did I hear her right? YEP! There's the little fellow - how weird??? He flew right in there! Now, not knowing how he would travel with us....and the fact that "nobody rides for FREE" - he had to go!
Then when I'm out hunting last weekend - I had 2 Chickadee's land on the barrel of my gun - such cute little birdies! Is there anything I should know about the "birds?" Is there any saying about this? Like if your palm itches, you're going to come into some money???

1 comment:

Courtney said...

You're too funny! Did ya kill anything?