Sunday, September 7, 2008

Swimsuit Shopping

I'll bet you're going....WHAT???? YES - that's right - I went swimsuit shopping this morning. I'm leaving in about a week and a half for my Founder's Circle trip to Utah. It's going to be 80 degrees during the day there (or so they tell me) and I REALLY need a new swimsuit...because my main form of entertainment while I'm there - is to worship my sun GODESS and read a book!

I really don't want to wear my current suit...because it's super old (about 10 yrs - don't tell anyone) and the strap that broke a few years ago is tied together! LOL I know...I know... But you know how hard it is to find a NEW swimsuit??? I'll bet you do! My friend told me to "get rid of that trailer trash suit!" And I did a couple years ago....well I put it away...I couldn't bring myself to ACTUALLY throw it out! I bought a new suit and wore it for 2 years...but that one fell apart too and I really didn't like it anyhow - no tears shed here! LOL

So anyways...back to my shopping trip today. After a COMPLETE failure at the swimsuit store, we stopped at Gordmans. I fell in love with this piece! I haven't purchased any type of new decor for my home since I became a Demonstrator and after spending the morning watching (while cleaning my kitchen) home make-over shows on TV - I thought I better start updating my decor. How'd I do?

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