Thursday, June 26, 2008

June Scrapbooking Pages

Here are my latest scrapbooking group pages. I decided to make the theme about "dads" - in honor of Father's Day - well...actually no just dads, but MY DAD. Because I have the BESTEST dad in the whole world!!!

Here's a couple pictures from our fishing trip to North Dakota (Devils Lake) last week. I was the official "netter." Not really much of a fishing person....I like to play with the underwater fish camera and read my book. But I did fish one night and I caught the walleye in the last picture...notice that I am NOT holding that fish....I don't like to touch them - LOL!!!!

Oh...and my dad doesn't usually dress with clashing patterns on his clothes...but it got a little cool out there and the plaid shirt is flannel....just wanted to tell you that so you don't think that my precious father is a dork - LOL!!!!

1 comment:

Cindy Ehlers said...

I love your scrapbook page about your dad, it is wonderful! Love the picture about your big fish, I could tell right away that you weren't holding onto the fish--I know your like me, don't really want to touch them! Nice fish though!